miercuri, 13 iulie 2011

Duke of Edinburgh's Best gaffes

Taken from HERE


Speaking about the rate of British tax, he said: "All money nowadays seems to be produced with a natural homing instinct for the Treasury."


On seeing an exhibition of "primitive" Ethiopian art, he muttered: "It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from her school art lessons."

The Duke famously proclaimed: "British women can't cook".


When asked if he would like to visit the Soviet Union: "I would like to go to Russia very much, although the bastards murdered half my family."

The Duke said to Tom Jones after his Royal Variety Performance: "What do you gargle with, pebbles?".

He later added: "It is very difficult at all to see how it is possible to become immensely valuable by singing what I think are the most hideous songs."

On the Royal Family's finances: "We go into the red next year. I shall probably have to give up polo."

On a tour of Canada: "We don't come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves."

During the recession he mused: “Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed."

When accepting a figurine from a woman during a visit to Kenya he asked: "You are a woman aren't you?"

He told a World Wildlife Fund meeting that "if it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and flies but is not an aeroplane and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it."

Prince Philip's opinion of Beijing, during a tour of China in 1986, was simply: "Ghastly."


To a British tourist in Hungary in he quipped: "You can't have been here that long — you haven't got a pot belly."

To survivors of the Lockerbie bombing he told them: "People usually say that after a fire it is water damage that is the worst. We are still drying out Windsor Castle."

"Aren't most of you descended from pirates?", he asked an islander in the Cayman Islands.

To a Caribbean rabbit breeder in Anguilla, he said: "Don't feed your rabbits pawpaw fruit — it acts as a contraceptive. Then again, it might not work on rabbits."


He asked a Scottish driving instructor in Oban: "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?"


Following the Dunblane massacre, he questioned the need for a firearms ban: "If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?"

The Duke asked a British student who had been trekking in Papua New Guinea: "You managed not to get eaten then?"

In Cardiff he told children from the British Deaf Association, who were standing by a Caribbean steel band: "If you're near that music it's no wonder you're deaf".


To guests at the opening reception of a new £18million British Embassy in Berlin: "It's a vast waste of space."

At a Buckingham Palace drinks party, he told group of female Labour MPs: "Ah, so this is feminist corner then."

On being offered fine Italian wines by Giuliano Amato, the former Prime Minister, at a dinner in Rome, he is said to have uttered: "Get me a beer. I don't care what kind it is, just get me a beer!"

"People think there's a rigid class system here, but dukes have been known to marry chorus girls. Some have even married Americans."

To Elton John: "Oh it's you that wons that ghastly car is it? We often see it when driving to Windsor Castle."

While touring a factory near Edinburgh he said a fuse box was so crude it "looked as though it had been put in by an Indian".

To Australian Aborigines during a visit to Australia with the Queen he asked: "Do you still throw spears at each other?"

To the Aircraft Research Association, he said: "If you travel as much as we do, you appreciate the improvements in aircraft design of less noise and more comfort, provided you don't travel in something called economy class, which sounds ghastly."

Said to black dance troupe Diversity at the Royal Variety Performance: "Are you all one family?"

To a young fashion designer at Buckingham Palace he told him: "You didn't design your beard too well, did you? You really must try better with your beard."

On asking a female Sea Cadet what she did for a living, and being told that she worked in a nightclub (as a barmaid), the Duke asked “Is it a strip club?” Observing her surprise he dismissed the suggestion saying that it was “probably too cold for that anyway”.

At a prize-giving ceremony for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards a girl told him that she'd been to Romania to help in an orphanage. He replied: "Oh yes, there's a lot of orphanges in Romania - they must breed them".

Others that are undated:

"YOU have mosquitos. I have the Press."
- To the matron of a hospital in the Caribbean.

"If it doesn't fart or eat hay then she isn't interested"
- speaking about his daughter, Princess Anne.

"Can you tell the difference between them?"
- The Duke's question after President Barack Obama said he met with the leaders of the UK, China and Russia.

"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion."
- on London traffic.

"Well, you'll never fly in it, you're too fat to be an astronaut."
- to a 13-year-old whilst visiting a space shuttle.

" I would love to go to Russia very much - although the bastards murdered half my family"
- when asked if he would like to visit the Societ Union.

“You look like you’re ready for bed!”
- To the President of Nigeria, dressed in traditional robes.

marți, 12 iulie 2011

De ce trece Puiu strada?!

Pentru ca a vrut sa ajunga de partea cealalta.

Chiar daca v-as explica, dragii mei dobitoci, tot n-ati intelege.

Pentru ca a mers in cautarea binelui si armoniei..

Este in natura puilor sa traverseze strazi..

Avea instabilitate istorica si dialectica.

I have a dream... Vad o lume in care toti puii vor fi liberi sa traverseze
strazile fara sa fie chestionate motivele lor.

Si Dumnezeu a coborit din ceruri si a poruncit puilor: Traversati
autostrazile! Si Puiu a traversat-o, si toti s-au inveselit.

Puiu n-a traversat autostrada. Repet, Puiu NU a traversat autostrada.

Chestiunea este ca Puiu a traversat autostrada. Cui ii pasa de ce?
Faptul de a traversa autostrada justifica orice alt motiv.

Faptul ca te preocupa de ce Puiu a traversat autostrada scoate in
evidenta nesiguranta ta sexuala: Oedip Avícol.

Chiar acum am lansat in piata MSChicken 2000, care nu numai ca traverseaza
autostrazile, ci pune oua, arhiveaza documentele importante si rotunjeste
calculele Dv.

Daca Puiu a traversat autostrada sau autostrada s-a deplasat pe desubtul
lui depinde de punctul de reper relativ.

Iregularitatea partii autostrazii a Puiuui ii ameninta pozitia dominanta
in marketing. Puiu se lovea de sfidari importante pentru a crea si a
dezvolta competentele necesare pentru a crea si a infrunta competitivitaea
pietei. Andersen Consulting, intr-o relatie de parteneriat cu clientul, a
sprijinit Puiu prin reproiectarea strategiilor lui de distributie fizica
si a proceselor de implantare.
Folosind metoda de integrare avicola (MIA), Andersen a ajutat Puiu sa
foloseasca abilitatile lui proprii, metodologia, cunoasterea, capitalul
si experiente pentru a alinia mintea, procesele si tehnologia Puiuui in
sprijinul strategiei lui globale in cadrul lucrarilor Gestiune de
Programe. Andersen consulting a convocat o echipa interdisciplinara de
analisti de autostrazi si crescatori de pui
care, impreuna cu consultanti din Andersen care aveau remarcabile
in industria transportului, au abordat timp de 2 zile o serie de sedinte
cu scopul de a varsa capitalul lor individual de cunostinte, atit explicit
cat si implicit, sa-i permita a ajunge la sinergii confluente in obtinerea
scopurilor emanate din predarea si designul de succes cu implementarea
unui cadru de valori prin continua dezvoltare a proceselor avicole.
Sedintele s-au desfasurat intr-un ambient care reproducea un parc, oferind
un impact strategic centrat in industrie si eleborand un mesaj CONSISTENT,
CLAR si UNIC, aliniat cu misiunea, vederea si valorile principale ale
puilor. Toate acesta au condus la crearea unei solutii integratoare a
afacerii globale.

A pune aceasta intrabare contrazice propria ta natura de pui.

Unde scrie "Puiu traverseaza autostrada" trebuia sa zica "Afacerile
necurate ale lui Puiu"

Criza economica constringe Puiu sa traverseze autostrada !

Puiu e gata

Luminile amurgului se revarsau peste campia solitara. O lumina. Un destin.
O singuratate. Puiu a ridicat capul in cautarea unui raspuns la toate
intrebarile sale. La distanta, o modesta casuta de tabla. Nici o masina nu
traversa la ora acea autostrada nr. 2, care uneste Filea de Jos cu
Giurtelecu Hododului. Puiu a stiut atunci ca a sosit momentul.
Scuturindu-si amorteala penelor a mers hotarit, a pus o gheara pe asfalt,
pe urma alta, si alta, si alta (oare cite picioare are?). Mergea mindru.
Stia ca se apropia sa reuseasca imposibilul. Se gandea la succes. La
La faima. De aceea n-a vazut acel camion fara lumini. De acea n-a auzit
zgomotul rablagit al motorului Roman.

Basescu si Puiu: obscurele coridoare al unei relatii impropri. Ce este
in spatele afacerii autostrazilor? Informatii exclusive: gainile si
care primesc pe sub mana malai de la Stat. Cine sunt cei care profita de


Toti puii traverseaza autostrazile. Puiu a traversat autostrada. Puiu
este in sine tot o autostrada.

Concetatenii, v-am prevenit daca nu oprim Puiu corupt acum o sa ajunga
pina la trotuarul de visavi si va reduce credibilitatea tarii la
parteneriatele cu Occident!

Pentru ca e un !#$&^* de taranist iresponsabil!

Am dat dispozitie sa i se congeleze conturile pina nu plateste taxele de

E un drept al minoritatii avicole

Eu de aici nu vad sa fi traversat strada. Resetati Puiu si daca tot il
vedeti ca traverseaza, formatati ouale sau trimiteti pe cineva din firma
la cursurile noastre ($322 la cursul zilei plus TVA).

Diferente Culturale


Inmormantare UE:

1. A crapat nea Gica.
2. Constatam asta.
3. Aducem si un medic / scoatem certificat prin care constatam asta si pe hartie
4. Sunam firma servicii funerare. comandam una bucata sicriu
5. Il ducem pe nea Gica la capela.
6. Anuntam pe cei apropiati ca a crapat nea Gica. Le zicem adresa capelei.
7. Ne adunam la capela, schimbam o vorba despre nea Gica.
8. In cursul aceleiasi zi, pompele funebre vin, il ridica pe nea Gica si il ingroapa / incinereaza / impaiaza / criogenizeaza / ce-o fi, in functie de preferinte.
9. Odata ingropat, Gica acolo ramane. Daca doresc, vizitatorii sunt bineveniti cu o floricica sau fara

Inmormantare romaneasca.
1. A crapat nea Gica
2. Constatam asta. Inainte de a suna medic sau de a scoate certificat sunam pe toti care il stiu sau nu pe Gica si anuntam asta
3. Revenim cu certificatul si ne facem loc prin marea de oameni care au venit sa il vada pe Gica mort si sa bea gratis o tuiculita. Intre timp Gica e tinut pe masa trei zile. Asa mort, da.
4. Aducem 3 femei sa il spele si 2 barbati sa il barbiereasca – ritual antecrestin, apropo -
5. Sunam popa. Ne rugam de popa sa vina de parca ar fi ceva nemaintalnit si nemaipomenit de nou in cariera lui si ne imprumutam de bani, ca daca nu e multumit ni-l lasa pe nea Gica pe masa si se cara. De parca nu tot din banii nostri ar fi platit, pastele ma-sii azi si maine de curva cu patrafir.
6. Pe langa oamenii care se foiesc prin casa, ne vor mai intampina pe drum inca pe atatia, ca sa nu mai vorbim de cei care vor veni direct la cimitir.
7. Pregatim echipamentul lui nea Gica, compus majoritatea din elemente tot antecrestine. Bani pe ochi, colac in mana, prescura pe piept – sau invers? – costumul sau cel mai bun care i-a ramas cam mic / mare si niste pantofi cu talpa de carton ca e pielea scumpa si si-asa e mort.
8. Convoiul: Unul cu un brad / pom / schela cu fructe agatate in el (tot pagan e si asta). Unul cu o cruce. Toti cu lumanari. Altii cu steaguri si prosoape.Inca minim 2 cu sfesnice. Nu uita coliva. Inca minim doi cu coroane. Inca vreo doi care sa duca “darurile” – obiecte de uz personal, bucati de material textil, batiste, mobila, o gaina vie uneori, care se trece peste groapa, etc
9. Fanfara. Tigani mai mult sau mai putin treji, care sa chiorlaie din instrumentele lor cantece de mare factura spirituala, cum ar fi “Pe langa Plopii fara Sot”, “Drumurile noastre Toate”, “Treceau batalioane romane Carpatii”, “Dunarea albastra ” (n-aveti idee cum suna asta la TROMBON)
10. Bocitoare. intre 3 si 5 babe bete si senile care sa il calareasca pe nea Gica si sa zbiere de parca li se scot ovarele pe cur. De multe ori nu au absolut nici o treaba cu raposatul si il vor boci pe un nume generic, d.ex. “Vasile”
11. Ii cinstim bine pe toti, de la popa la tigani, ca doar n-au venit sa il ingroape pe unul, au venit sa crape in ei si sa bea. Firesc. Pornim cortegiul.
12. La fiecare rascruce – intersectie – vom opri tambalaul (tigani, bocitoare, alamuri, zbierete, cersetori, bomboane, claxoane) si preotul va citi o extenie. Intre extenii, cine stie canta din toti plamanii “Sfinte Dumnezeule” in varianta funebra. Pentru ca exista si varianta vesela. Care nu se canta. Totusi, avand in vedere lipsa de voce a celor din cortegiu si betia generala, puteti sa cantati si Macarena ca nu se simte.
13. Ajungem la biserica. Ne dam foc cu lumanari, umplem tot de ceara, urlam TARE sa stie LUMEA ca noi SUFERIM pentru ca A MURIT GICA, BAAAAAAAA!!! In timpul slujbei, cream confuzie si razboi, aruncand cu bani si bomboane catre liota de cersetori. Punem si “vamile” pe jos, obicei – cum altfel? – antecrestin si ala. Potrivim vata in nas lui Gica, nu de alta dar de atata jale si lumanari si tamaie a inceput saa se cam lichefieze.
14. La cimitir. Se sapa groapa, se urla, se trece gaina, se desface pomul, se impart prosoape, restul de daruri (teoretic oamenilor saraci, practic tot intre neamuri, pe principiul nimic nu se pierde, doar se imprumuta), se bea, se stropeste cu vin mormantul, continua slujba.
15. Dupa cimitir. Se merge la casa lui Gica unde se bea, se bea, se bea, se mananca cel putin 3 feluri de mancare, se ia si la pachet ca doar e pomana, se vorbeste despre politica, vreme, rapita, Geoana, alegeri, inflatie, chirii, varice, butoaie, vinul de anul asta, hemoroizi, nunti, botezuri, Mutu, Steaua, femeia vecinului, orice numai Gica nu.
16. Dupa ce l-ai ingropat, reiei paranghelia la 3, 9, 40 de zile, 1 an, 2, 3, etc totul culminand cu 7 ani cand il dezgropi pe Gica sau ma rog ce a ramas din el, il stropesti cu vin si-l bagi la loc. Pe langa asta mai ai si vreo 400 de sarbatori de pomenirer a mortilor.

duminică, 10 iulie 2011


You see a handsome guy at a party.
You go up to him and say, "I'm fantastic in bed."
- That's Direct Marketing.

You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a handsome guy. One of your friends goes up to him and pointing at you says, "She's fantastic in bed."
- That's Advertising.

You see a handsome guy at a party.
You go up to him and get his telephone number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I'm fantastic in bed."
- That's Telemarketing.

You're at a party and see a handsome guy. You get up and straighten your dress. You walk up to him and pour him a drink. You say, "May I," and reach up to straighten his tie brushing yourself slightly against his arm, and then say, "By the way, I'm fantastic in bed."
- That's Public Relations.
You're at a party and see a handsome guy. He walks up to you and says, "I hear you're fantastic in bed."
- That's Brand Recognition.

You're at a party and see a handsome guy. You talk him into going home with your friend.
- That's a Sales Rep.

Your friend can't satisfy him so he calls you.
- That's Tech Support.

You're on your way to a party when you realize that there could be handsome men in all these houses you're passing. So you climb onto the roof of one situated toward the center and shout at the top of your lungs, "I'm fantastic in bed!"
- That's Spam.

duminică, 3 iulie 2011

Epic failure

What an interesting week-end I had... Saturday, I couldn't enjoy my day because I had to move from one damn dorm to another so half a day was lost between packing, unpacking, moving and cleaning. How in the name of logic did I manage to gather in time no less than 15 bloody big luggages not counting the microwave oven and my audio system? No clue... At one point of the day, I was tempted to make a big nice cosy camp fire in the middle of the road with all my garbage (clothes, books, etc) but knowing I'll have to buy all that back made me give up... I couldn't believe how all that pile of things wasn't getting any smaller even if I had already carried three loads... I was about to beat my neighbour, thinking that he was increasing my pile when I was not
around... But finally everything was done... Including my back... I couldn't move properly... Neither could any of my room mates... We were all standing on our beds, like three drunk hobos, praying to die painless... But, instead, as a reward, we all went out to eat a pizza on a terrace not far from us to spend, what we thought it would be... some nice, quit time, making jokes and having a beer. NOT FOR LONG... because someone tried it would make a good day a big ass on our table so, without any trace of respect or education, he came and bent over to talk to some whales from another table. The result?
Almost 20 minutes, all four of us endured an apocalyptic view, not being able to start
any conversation at all, because we were all ogling at that guy's ass... I wouldn't know why... It w
as a sort of hypnosis... Nothing interesting to see, but you can't take you eyes off either...
Today (e.g. Sunday), I wanted to cook Lasagna... May the bloody producers be cursed for not writing down that those crappy lasagna must me boiled before placing them in layers... If I were in America, I could have sew them... bloody bastards... a worse punishment that a law suit would be to make them eat that horrible gruel porridge without an obvious colour nor taste.